Study With Tanya
Study With Tanya with a Spiritual Mentorship
Reiki Levels 1 & 2: Energy Healing Immersion
Understand how Reiki Energy works and strengthen your Universal Light channeling abilities
Magnify your abilities to self heal by getting in tune with the messages from your body
Strengthen a Heart-Centered practice
Cultivate tools and techniques for specific physical, mental, and emotional issues
Apply Reiki tools and techniques for specific areas of life
Weave Reiki into current skills and abilities
Reiki for animals
Reiki for children
Reiki for Pregnancy
Intuitive expansion and connection beyond the realms of this world
Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki
Connect with the Angels and Activate Angelic Light Grids for your support and expansion
Healing techniques with Galactic Healers/Ascended Masters
Past Life Healing
Third Eye Healing
Angelic Chakra Clearing
Angelic Reiki Attunement Ceremony through the Akashic Record
Heart-centered gratitude practice
Reiki Master Lineage Level 3
(Must be Reiki 1 & 2 attuned)
Embodiment of the prior level learnings
Guide each level of Reiki with intuitive comprehension to support the layers of Spiritual Growth
Learn to facilitate Reiki Levels 1-2 attunements to help with the awakening of humanity
Channel two Reiki attunement meditations to use for each level of spiritual growth (for Reiki 1 & 2)
Promotion of your unique technique to create constant flow and abundance
Growing on your path of self mastery
Initiation into the Lineage of Mastery with a Reiki Master Attunement Ceremony through the Akashic Records
Strengthen a Heart-Centered gratitude practice
Create your unique blueprint for facilitating the Reiki Master Level 3 lineage
Apprenticeship opportunities to strengthen confidence
Create a thriving Reiki Offering
Weave Reiki into current skills and abilities
Crystal Reiki
Immersion in Crystal Knowledge
Attunement to Crystals and Mother Earth
Crystal Grids for intentions and goals
Receive and connect to your personal set of 7 Reiki Chakra Crystals
Learn how to connect, clear, and amplify crystals
Awakening Crystal Reiki meditation to connect to the Mineral World
The Shaman's 7 Chakras
Deep Dive Into the 7 Chakras and Archetypes
Chakra Activation through Breath-work
Guided Meditations for 7 Chakras
Guided Yoga for the Chakras
Chakra Shadow Tracking & Integration
Chakra Crystals and their uses
Utilize essential oils for the Chakras
Learn how to use Chakra Affirmations to reprogram your energy field
Cleansing & Balancing Techniques for the 7 Chakras
For Kids! Energy Healing Workshops
Introduction to Energy
Kids learn what it means to be an energetic being in this world
Learn grounding, balancing, and harmonizing techniques for self regulation
Tap into the magic at their fingertips to feel and work with energy in all areas of life!
Kids and Crystals
Crystals hold energetic signatures and information that shift and amplify energies within us
Learn about the 7 crystals that support the Chakra System
Gain crystal knowledge on how to clear, cleanse, and charge
Receive their own set of crystals
Gain clarity on how energy works in their bodies and in everything around them
Reik Levels 1 & 2
Kids Reiki Levels 1 & 2 gently guide children as they embark on the journey of self-love and accountability and into the world of energy healing
Learn the Japanese technique of channeling life force energy for healing, emotional regulation, relaxation, and creativity
Incorporate giving Reiki to Pets (Reiki 1) and others (Reiki 2)
(these are two separate workshops)
Angel Reiki
Learn the basics of working with Angels and Light Guides through channeling, clearing and working with Angelic energy
An expansion on their path of confidence, truth, & connection with themselves and the world
(must have completed Reiki 1 & 2)
Crystal Reiki
A continuation of working with Reiki energy and expanding Reiki abilities with the addition of Crystals!
Akashic Records
Learn to read your Akashic Records and the records of people, places, thing, pets, and so much more.